Eat the skins of watermelons for more nutrients!

Eat the skins of watermelons for more nutrients

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    Rich in vitamins, amino acid, potassium, zinc… The bark of this fruit is full of health benefits.

    Refreshing, low in calories and tasty… watermelon is undoubtedly the star fruit of summer! A fortiori during a heat wave, since this fruit is composed mostly of water (90%). But if you are one of the followers of this cucurbit, it will probably not have escaped you that it also causes its share of waste. Indeed, the skin is often abandoned once the pink part has been devoured.

    However, tossing the green envelope of watermelons in the trash is far from inevitable. Indeed, watermelon skins are completely edible! Many health professionals even recommend eating it for its many benefits.

    A nutrient-dense fruit

    And for good reason, the skin of watermelons is particularly rich in vitamins (A, C, B6)… But it is also full of nutrients, including the amino acid citrulline and the antioxidant lycopene, both excellent for heart health. In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, watermelon skin is also very rich in potassium, zinc and magnesium, nutrients essential for the proper functioning of the body. It is also a powerful ally for your skin, as it delays skin aging, boosts collagen production and deeply hydrates the skin.

    Although its taste is bitter (much like orange or lemon peel), you can simply eat the skin of the watermelon in one bite, along with the flesh. But be aware that there are many recipes if you prefer to consume it in another form (diced, gazpacho, sauce, jam, etc.)

    Either way, no more excuses for leaving trash on your plate the next time you’re about to enjoy your favorite summer fruit!
