Eat healthy without breaking the bank, tips to REALLY save on your shopping

Eat healthy without breaking the bank tips to REALLY save

While food prices are soaring, we went looking for the best advice from Internet users to save money on our shopping and save tens of euros at the end of the month. Here’s what to remember.

We’ve all known it for a long time, cook rather than buy ready-made dishes, prepare weekly menus, don’t shop when you’re hungry, eat in season, buy canned goods… It costs less. But looking further, we found 6 really useful tips to eat healthy in 2023, while paying attention to our wallet.

  • Tip 1: replace meat or fish with a vegetable protein source at certain meals such as legumes (chickpeas, red beans, white beans, lentils, etc.). In addition to being sources of protein, they are full of fiber.
  • Tip n°2: hang around the shelf with products that are soon to expire. Large surfaces very often offer discounts on products with short DLCs. Good to know: many products can be consumed after the expiry date. This is the case of yoghurts for example.
  • Tip #3: Try anti-waste apps such as Too Good To Go, Phenix, Geev, Save Eat, Hop Hop Food, , Zéro-Gâchis. The principle ? Supermarkets, bakeries, organic stores, greengrocers, or even restaurants offer unsold items at low prices on these apps.
  • Tip n°4: Go to the new anti-waste supermarkets. More and more of them are opening to limit food waste and allow you to save money. There are fruits and vegetables that are not calibrated, labeling errors, products whose production has been stopped, products in overproduction, products with a packaging defect, a near expiry date… All often at -30 %. The chain Nous Anti-Gaspi, for example, is developing in the 4 corners of France, it already has 28 stores. Locally, other anti-waste brands are beginning to emerge.
  • Tip #5: choose meat or fish that cost less. We forget the beef or the salmon, and we buy chicken thighs, pork chops, whiting, saithe, or mackerel instead. A good option is also canned tuna or sardines, inexpensive and easy to cook.
  • Tip #6: Compare prices per kilo. For a very long time, the rule of buying in large format made it possible to save money. Today, this is no longer necessarily true. So always look at the prices per kilo.
