Eat better to sleep better

Eat better to sleep better

According to an American review, three vitamins and minerals are the basis of good restful sleep. Three problems, three solutions. Which do not involve any drug help to relearn how to sleep well.

A problem sleeping? When our sleep is disturbed, our reflex is to rush on sleeping pills. However, several sleep disorders could be solved much more simply, and above all much more naturally: thanks to our vitamin and mineral intake. Review LiveScience has just targeted three sleep problems and proposed three solutions that find their source, quite simply, in our plates.

Difficulties falling asleep? It is the fault of magnesium, which plays an essential role in the regulation of sleep. Live Science cites a study in the journal Medical Hypothesis published in 2006 that a magnesium deficiency leads to this type of insomnia and can even cause depression and other psychological problems. Where to find magnesium? In green vegetables and pulses, whole grains, oleaginous fruits, and… chocolate!

Frequent awakenings? Potassium is singled out. According to a 1991 study revealed in the journal Sleep used as a benchmark by Live Science, potassium deficiencies interfere with sleep. Even if food supplements exist to compensate for it, you can also simply find it in bananas, celery, beans, potatoes or even avocados.

Very tired during the day? This time, we must blame vitamin D. This is confirmed by a study published in the journal Journal of clinical sleep medicine in 2012 relayed by Live Science. The best source of this vitamin is sun exposure. But it is also possible to compensate for deficiencies through dietary intake, thanks to certain fish (salmon, swordfish, tuna, etc.).

Violaine Badie

Source : Live science: “3 nutrients linked with a better night’s sleep“, July 24, 2013 (online article)

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