Eat before or after his sports session, this sports coach gives you the answer

Eat before or after his sports session this sports coach

The question that everyone is asking … should you eat before or after their sports session to be the most effective?

At the start of the year, many people want to change their daily lives and play sports. Before work, while running, or with a tonic session, at the breakfast break if you have the motivation and the desire to spend yourself, or at the end of the day to decompress, several options are available to you.

But in all situations, a question arises … Should I eat before spending myself to gain strength and have a maximum of juice or should I wait for the end of the session to regain strength and continue your day in the best conditions?

If there is no perfect answer and everyone is free to do as they see fit, nutrition is an essential element to progress well in your training. A sports coach of the American brand Nike advises in GQ a small snack if you are considering a small session, with for example a slice of wholemeal bread spread with peanut butter and jam, sometimes with an additional fruit. If the session is more intense, you can eat 2 hours before, with a more generous meal composed of a bowl of oatmeal or a full portion of rice, accompanied by lean proteins. The goal is not to be in full digestion during the effort.


In general, carbohydrates are your best allies for performance. But it is also possible to do your sport on an empty stomach, it all depends on what you are looking for through your session. “It is a method adapted to moderate efforts, but for those who know their bodies it is also possible to make an important effort on an empty stomach,” explains the coach. So beware of risks and in particular hypoglycemia.

Whatever your decision, eating after sport remains capital, because the 30 minutes following the session are the most important. A balanced mixture of protein and carbohydrates like a shake is a perfect solution according to the coach. If you want to eat a little more, it is advisable to wait an hour after the session with chicken or fish and vegetables.

But beware of excesses! If you put too much fat in your meals, do not expect good results. Another important element to take into account: hydration. For short sessions, a simple bottle of water can do the trick. In short, eating before or after sport mainly depends on your goals. “For those who have specific objectives, consulting a sports dietitian can make all the difference,” concludes the coach.
