Eat 50 bran a year – but mum’s recipes are the best

Last year, two of three Swedes ate at least one holiday on Fettisdag. But for Anders “Asse” Lindblad, who can come up with 40-50 bran, this is a tradition that goes on well before and after the holiday.

– Because it is so good, I eat as soon as there are bran, says Anders Lindblad.

Although he has tried many different variants, no one beats his mother’s homemade semla.

– It probably has to do with old memories. When you were little and had ski training every Tuesday night in the winter, mom baked bran after we had trained. This is the memory that remains, Anders says.

Do not like unexpected variants

Since the winter evenings in Småland, Anders has eaten as many as he can every year. But he still prefers a traditional version of the creamy pastries.

– It should be these classic buns, cream and almond paste, this whole combination of genuine, good bran. I don’t like these new modes.

Bran all the way to Easter

The pastry is still warm to him, but Anders admits that he no longer holds hard on the fat date. As soon as the bran appears around Christmas, he starts to taste – and he will not stop until Easter.

– More and more has been moved over the years. Now they are from Christmas until Easter so it is important to hang out.

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