Easy to make, this drink would make you lose 6 kg in 1 week

Easy to make this drink would make you lose 6

“Rice-Zempic” is said to have obvious slimming effects according to several consumers.

A strange drink is making headlines on the Internet, especially on social networks, because of its (alleged) “incredible” slimming properties. Its name “Rice-Zempic” is reminiscent of Ozempic®, the antidiabetic drug diverted to lose weight and, let us remind you, strictly prohibited for this indication. According to its users, Rice-Zempic imitates the slimming effects of the antidiabetic drug and could make you lose up to 6 kg in just one week of use. They also claim that the drink makes them less hungry throughout the day, has fewer cravings and sugar cravings, and helps them go to the bathroom more often. How good is this method really? Dangerous or not?

Experts are skeptical. Where this homemade drink can’t really hurt is that it’s low in calories and contains only natural products.This can help people feel full before a meal and eat less than they normally would“, says Dr. Mir Ali, medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center (California), interviewed by the American media Health. But beyond that, she has “no scientific claim” And “no significant impact on weight loss“. Unlike antidiabetic drugs like Ozempic® which stimulate hormone receptors, Rice-Zempic”doesn’t help you metabolically at alladds Dr. Junal Shah, professor of endocrinology. So while it’s not dangerous in itself, it’s also unlikely to do much.“.

The exact recipe for Rice-Zempic varies from person to person, but it’s usually made with three things: 1/2 cup unwashed rice (to retain as much starch as possible), 1 cup warm or hot water, and the juice of half a lime (so avoid if you have ulcers or stomach problems). The idea is to let the rice steep in the water for a few hours (or overnight), remove the rice, add the lime juice, and drink the remaining “starchy water” 30 minutes before meals each day.

Even if you lose a few pounds with Rice-Zempic, this weight loss will be temporary.Once you stop, the weight will come back“The best advice for losing weight has always been to make lasting, healthy changes to your diet, combined with exercise.
