Easy mixes you can make at home to prevent leg cramps

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Leg cramps are common in the summer. It can occur due to dehydration or overuse of a muscle if not drinking enough water. While they tend to settle on their own, if they are frequent they should not be ignored as there may be a condition causing it.


A muscle cramp can cause severe pain in the leg or calf muscles, suddenly in the middle of the night or during a workout. In most cases, the exact cause is unknown, but too much exercise, drinking less water, or nutritional deficiencies, especially in hot weather, can cause this problem.

In most cases, muscle cramps resolve on their own, but if they’re making your life difficult, causing your legs to swell, and they’re happening too often, you can see a doctor.

In case you have a sudden leg cramp, you can try some mixtures that you can make at home.


  • Relax the muscles and stretch them slightly. You can also do a light massage.
  • Try to apply a heating pad to the area
  • If you experience leg cramps while sleeping in the middle of the night, you can stand and put weight on the affected leg while keeping your heel flat on the floor to stretch the muscles.


Here are some combinations you can make to avoid leg cramps.

1. Lemon juice + salt + water

You can mix lemon, which is a vitamin C store, with water and salt and drink it. It will relax the legs as it is a mixture high in potassium, sulphur, magnesium and sodium.

2. Coconut water

Coconut water will protect you against cramps thanks to the electrolytes, potassium and magnesium it contains.
