Earthquake off the coast of Peru – tsunami warning issued | Foreign countries

In South America, an earthquake has occurred off the coast of Peru, with a reported magnitude of 6.9-7.2.

In South America, an earthquake has occurred off the coast of Peru, with a reported magnitude of 6.9-7.2.

According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake occurred 8.8 kilometers from the Atiquipa area at a depth of about ten kilometers.

No damage has been reported so far.

The US National Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami warning in the morning and estimated that high waves could rise on the coast of Peru.

The center announced that the waves could reach up to three meters.

However, shortly after the first announcement, the center withdrew its warning.

The Atiquipa region is located approximately 600 kilometers from the country’s capital, Lima.

Peru is located in the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire region, where strong tectonic and volcanic activity occurs.

Hundreds of earthquakes are registered in Peru every year.

Sources: Reuters, AFP

28.6. at 10:00 Updated information about the cancellation of the tsunami warning.
