Earth seen from space: the most beautiful photos of German astronaut Matthias Maurer

Earth seen from space the most beautiful photos of German

German astronaut Matthias Maurer has returned to Earth after spending nearly six months on the International Space Station. During his mission on the ISS, Maurer took many pictures of the Earth. Hundreds of photos allow you to admire the beauty of the Blue Planet at an altitude of 400 kilometers.

A few days after the arrival of theItalian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti on the international space stationthe German Matthias Maurer left aboard a capsule Crew Dragon towards Earth. The latter lived almost six months in the ISS, as part of the Cosmic Kiss mission.

From his arrival on the station on November 12, 2021, and during the months that followed, Maurer photographed the Earth on behalf of the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA. The pictures, published on Internet, allowed the general public to discover the Planet from new angles. Like Thomas Pésquet in 2021, Maurer donned the cap of photographer and communicator, the photos meeting with great success on the social networks.

Urban visions

In the plethora of photos posted to Maurer’s Flickr account, many show off the urban sprawls of cities around the world. We observe, for example, the notable differences between European and American cities while identifying tourist sites such as Central Park in New York or the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

nature in action

If the urban scenery is impressive at an altitude of 400 km, the natural landscapes prove to be of majestic beauty. The German astronaut was thus able to photograph arid regions with surprising colors and magnificent natural areas, or even phenomena such as volcanic eruptions or some thunderstorms massive.

Back to solid ground for Maurer

Matthias Maurer returned to Earth on Friday, May 6, 2022, at 6:43 a.m. (French time). The Crew Dragon capsule housing Maurer, Tom Mashburn, Kayla Barron and Raja Chari has landed off the coast of Florida after a journey of more than 23 hours. All of the photographs taken by Matthias Maurer are freely available on Flickr space of the astronaut as well as on the website of the European Space Agency.

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