Early vegetables: when should they be sown?

Early vegetables when should they be sown

To taste the first young vegetables from April, start sowing resistant varieties with a short cycle from mid-January. Sheltered and warm, grow carrots, turnips, radishes, peas and many other crisp and tasty vegetables, harbingers of spring.

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Early vegetables are grown under shelter, tunnel, greenhouse, frame or forcing veil, from the beginning of the year in order to be able to harvest them at the beginning of spring. Not yet mature, enjoy delicate leaves, crunchy vegetables with taste.

The radishes

Round or elongated, sow the first radish type ‘Gaudry 2’ or ‘De 18 jours’ from the beginning of February. Under a warm bed or forcing veil, place the seeds two centimeters deep in a furrow. As soon as five or six leaves appear, thin out the row to keep only the strongest ones.

The salads

With green leaves like ‘Appia’ or red leaves like ‘Roxy’, smooth or curly, sow them lettuces and batavias sheltered from the month of february. Place the seeds one centimeter deep and cover with soil. Tamp lightly and water. One month after sowing, thin out the seedlings and transplant them.


Crunchy as you wish, sow them beans from the beginning of February. In place in the vegetable garden or in a container on the balcony, protect them with a forcing veil. Sow them in rows or in pockets of three seeds every 10 centimeters, 5 centimeters deep. Plant stakes to make them climb and one month after sowing, mound the feet of the beans to keep them well in the ground.


Round and slightly sweet, sow them turnips say “to force” from February. Under a frame or a mini-tunnel, sow the seeds two centimeters deep, along a furrow. Tamp then water. As for the carrotsremove the smallest, once the leaves are 15 centimeters high in order to keep only the most beautiful turnips.

The peas

Sweet and tasty, sow the first peas from the beginning of February, sheltered in a greenhouse, a mini-tunnel or a frame. Trace a furrow and sow the seeds of suitable varieties such as ‘Douce Provence’ five centimeters deep, every 10 centimeters or in pockets, in groups of three seeds every 20 centimeters. Cover then water. A month later, butt the feet of peas and install tutors.


Half-long or round, sow carrots of varieties adapted to winter conditions such as ‘Amsterdam’ or ‘Marché de Paris’ from the end of January. In loose soil, make a furrow one centimeter deep and place the seeds. Cover and water. Cover with a forcing veil. When the leaves are 10 centimeters high, thin out the row by removing the weakest ones.

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