‘Early days’ for Kraken but latest COVID variant coming

1674296916 Early days for Kraken but latest COVID variant coming

Brantford and Brant County are like the rest of the province when it comes to the spread of the so-called Kraken variant of COVID-19, says Dr. Rebecca Comley.

“It’s early days right now,” Brant’s acting medical of health said in an interview Friday afternoon.

December figures showed the variant officially know as XBB.1.5 variant and nicknamed Kraken was tested at two per cent of Ontario’s COVID cases.

“We’re still waiting on more data but our expectation is it’s going to increase,” said Comley.

“By how much is still up in the air. But, certainly, there’s evidence worldwide and in North America that it’s more transmissible than what we’ve seen previously. The word is still out on severity.”

From Dec. 4 to 31, Brantford-Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk and Niagara Region had some of the highest number of cases of the Kraken variant, according to Public Health Ontario data. The highest number of cases is in Niagara, where 18 residents test positive for Kraken. Haldimand and Norfolk accounted for eight cases and Brantford-Brant, six.

Comley said that, with so few cases, it’s statistically difficult to get a good read on the variant’s severity.

“It’s hard to know exactly where the number of cases are at this moment, but I don’t see any indication we’re in any position that’s different from our regional neighbours.”

The spread of Kraken worldwide has been swift as the strain is very transmissible. It’s also considered immune evasive, meaning it can infect the vaccinated or those previously infected.

Little information has been compiled so far on how effective vaccines and boosters are against severe disease and death from Kraken, according to the World Health Organization.

“We’ve been here before,” said Comely.

“We don’t know a lot about it yet or how it will impact us, but people should follow the messaging we’ve been saying all along: stay home when you’re sick, get tested if you’re high risk, wash your hands.”

Comley said masks are recommended to be used in all high-risk situations, especially for anyone who is high-risk or recovering from illness. Anyone who hasn’t had a COVID booster shot should get one as soon as possible, she said.

“If it’s been more than six months (since your vaccination), get one.”

Brantford-Brant saw an increase in virus-related issues through December due to a COVID spike and the early arrival of influenza but Comley said cases now have dropped significantly.

“We’re back down to seasonal levels in influenza,” she said, adding that there have been no outbreaks this month of respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV.

Symptoms of Kraken are similar to the most common symptoms of other COVID-19 variants: a sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills and fatigue.

But severe symptoms cause trouble breathing, chest pain, confusion and extreme fatigue. Health Canada says anyone experiencing those symptoms should call 911.

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