“E3 2023 game fair canceled”

E3 2023 game fair canceled

E3 2023 The game fair was canceled despite all efforts. This actually did not come as a big surprise, there are claims that E3 may not be in 2024. expelled.

The game world’s big event would return publicly in Los Angeles for the first time since 2019, but plans for 2023 (Both digital and physical) were completely canceled after major game companies such as Nintendo, Microsoft and Ubisoft announced that they would not attend the event. According to a shared email, E3 2023, failed to attract enough attention to demonstrate the size, power and influence of the sector. About subject “This was a difficult decision for us and our partners to take due to all the effort we put into making the event happen, but we had to do the right thing for the industry and E3. We understand that playable demos from interested companies won’t be ready for the show, and sourcing challenges have made being at E3 this summer an insurmountable hurdle. We regret that we weren’t able to deliver the show they’ve been waiting for to those attending E3 2023.” it was said.


Stanley Pierre-Louis, President and CEO of ESA, said that the COVID pandemic has affected many companies in the gaming industry. “game development timeline” and explained that this is about the time of the fair. “playable demoHe stated that it has become a problem in terms of ”. So will we see another E3 someday in the future? The head of ESA cannot speak clearly on this issue. The key figure told GamesIndustry, “We are committed to providing an industry platform for marketing and co-show experience, but we also want to make sure we find the right balance to meet the industry’s needs.” said. Many game companies continue to do their own events, this provides better returns for most companies.
