E-reputation: how to take care of the image of your company on the Internet?

E reputation how to take care of the image of your

Wanting to access information about a company generates a reflex that is very common and spontaneous today: getting information on the Web. In a now highly digitized world where access to information is easy and almost instantaneous, having a good image is essential for a company. The need to work on this virtual “word-of-mouth” is therefore essential. But, how to manage your e-reputation?

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What is read on the Internet is not always analyzed and compared. The information collected has a significant impact on the person who becomes aware of it and the good or bad reputation of a business will be easily taken over by the third party. An act that can increase its notoriety or on the contrary make it fall. This is called e-reputation.

What is e-reputation and why is it important?

A company’s e-reputation refers to its digital image. It is made up of information available online and accessible to everyone. E-reputation is produced and conveyed on and by social networks, collaborative sites, blogs, forums or image and video sharing platforms. It can escape completely from the company which can encounter difficulties in controlling it, hence the importance of working on it, as does a E reputation agency. This type of structure is specialized in the recovery of negative content, a job that then allows you to recover a brand image in correlation with that of your company.

E-reputation is very important for a society who “lives” on the Internet. The brand image is first built internally, its universe is then conveyed to the general public. Then, it is perceived by the latter according to the representations put forward. Finally, the brand image can be taken over.

How to manage your reputation on the Internet?

A consumer has the full ability to defame or praise a company and therefore has the ability to influence others. Managing its reputation is therefore essential because the brand takes risks if it does not control it.

The management of its image can be entrusted to an agency specializing in e-reputation which will carry out a certain number of tasks to clean, heal and establish its notoriety.

Thus, a watch strategy can be implemented. The objective will be to seek out and follow up on negative information conveyed about the company. Online reputation experts have the skills to quickly and effectively get rid of bad reviews, this is called “SERP sculpting”. The SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) are the results pages that display on a search engine after a query request. From these pages results the reputation of the company.

It is also appropriate to carry out a SEO strategy based on Google SEO criteria. Working on the SEO content of the website is a significant asset for managing the company’s e-reputation. It will allow to control its notoriety through its communication.

Moreover, the backlinks are an important factor, they will build and improve its positioning. These are links from another website and leading directly to that of the brand. The objective is to list the sites that evoke it. They are important allies who will positively influence natural referencing and therefore the company’s e-reputation.

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