E.Leclerc: frozen green beans recalled

ELeclerc frozen green beans recalled

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    Brand Repère frozen very fine green bean packets are being recalled. The reason: potential traces of hydrocarbons were detected. Which batches are affected? Doctissimo takes stock of the information you need to know.

    Marque Repère frozen green beans: which batches are contaminated?

    Sold in all E.Leclerc stores across France between 05/23/2022 and 11/09/2022, Marque Repère frozen very fine green beans are subject to a recall. According to the website Drink reminder, several 1kg sachets of the NOTRE JARDIN brand are concerned. In order to know if one of these contaminated batches is in your freezer, here is the information to take into account:

    GTINBatchTime slotsDate of minimum durability
    356470000566817 2 118from 02:00 to 05:30 inclusive04/30/2024
    356470000566817 2 145from 09:00 to 15:30 inclusive05/31/2025

    Important additional information: only products bearing the additional code 08 following the barcode are affected by the recall.

    Recalled frozen green beans: why?

    Still according to the Rappel Conso website, it is strongly advised not to consume these frozen fine green beans. Indeed, potential traces of hydrocarbons linked to the harvesting equipment were identified. A risk that other chemical contaminants are present must be taken into account. In addition, a characteristic abnormal odor accompanies these traces. That is why, for your health, you should not eat these green beans. However, you can return them to your point of sale for a refund.
