e-Government will no longer spend from mobile internet quotas

e Government will no longer spend from mobile internet quotas

Thanks to the new step taken e-Government Gateway their usage will no longer spend from their mobile internet quotas. official statement came.

The following statement was included in the post on the official account on Twitter:No Quota e-Government Period Begins! We are implementing another one of our efforts to provide our citizens with easy access to digital services: No matter which operator you are registered with, your @ekapi usage will no longer be spent on your mobile internet quota.The useful system that has been established and serves millions of people every day does not normally consume excessive data, but the fact that the usage has been reduced to zero is welcomed. These days, other innovations are being made for the system, and the options are constantly being increased. For example, the following announcement was made for a new service option brought from Twitter again today: “One of the most requested services in the eDoor Satisfaction Survey, You can now make your applications for deletion and correction of criminal record through the e-Government Gateway.


If there are those who have not used it before, access to this useful system can be done with authentication options such as specially received e-Government Password, Mobile Signature, e-Signature, TR Identity Card, Internet Banking. According to the official statement, the system was opened to access in 2008 and has continued its development day by day, turning into a structure where thousands of public services are offered and hundreds of public institutions are integrated.
