E-commerce, Antitrust launches investigations on two sites

E commerce Antitrust launches investigations on two sites

(Finance) – The AGCM initiated two investigative proceedings against the companies GPS Italy and E-Commerce Specialistst to ascertain alleged misleading and aggressive conduct in the context of online sales through the respective websites www.ilrinnovato.it and www.hwonline.it.

The behaviors covered by the investigations – the official note reads – they concern various phases of the purchase relationship and consist in the publication on the two websites of misleading information on the main characteristics of the products (availability, delivery times and packaging methods), on the adoption of incorrect methods of the process of online sales, on non-delivery of products, on the obstacle to exercise consumers’ right of withdrawal and reimbursement and the inadequate provision of the after-sales service.

In consideration of the topicality and the high degree of offensiveness of the disputed conduct, the Authority simultaneously initiated proceedings for the possible application of precautionary measures. In fact, the continuation of the disputed behaviors can mislead, condition the choices and hinder the exercise of the rights of many consumers who proceed with the advance payment, even for significant amounts, of the products purchased online without then being able to obtain delivery on time. proposed and without receiving a refund of the amount paid.

The 30 and 31 March the AGCM officials they carried out inspections at the offices of the companies concerned with the assistance of the Special Antitrust Unit of the Guardia di Finanza.

The two proceedings – concludes the note – they are part of the numerous interventions carried out to ensure the correct development of e-commerce which is characterized by the depersonalization of the purchase relationship and by the position of asymmetric information in which the consumer finds himself. The Authority recently imposed a 1 million euro fine on the company Tiger Group for having put in place two unfair commercial practices in the sale of IT, telephony and electronic products on its website.
