E-cigarettes are harmful to the eyes

E cigarettes are harmful to the eyes

Initially thought of as a step towards quitting smoking, the electronic cigarette is not the expected substitute. In addition to breathing difficulties, the increase in heart rate, is added to the decline in visual acuity. Researchers warn about the effects of vaping on the eyes.

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According to a new American study, vaping would cause harmful effects on the eyes. In question, several products present in the aromas and the solvents electronic cigarettes. The composition of the liquid contained in a electronic cigarette is far from trivial. ” These devices contain carcinogenic chemicals, air pollutants and heavy metals“, note American researchers in the journal International Journal of Ophthalmology. ” The purpose of this article is to make the light on the known effects of vaping on the ocular medium“, continue the authors of the study.

Impaired visual acuity

To carry out the research, the specialists collected their information from more than one million people between 2016 and 2018. The participants had to communicate about their visual impairments and the frequency of use of the electronic cigarette.

Results? Two chemical components can disrupt the tear film that protects the part of the eye in contact with the outside. In addition, the lipid layer, which protects the tears from evaporation, can be damaged by the aromas of vaping. The researchers note that nicotine can interfere with light-adapted retinal vision. ” Vaping-related explosions, while unpredictable, can also cause a decrease invisual acuity, as well as trauma ocular long-term “, concludes the study.

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