Dyspepsia is the medical term for difficult digestion marked by abdominal pain, bloating and gas. Understand the mechanisms of this disorder with Dr Axel Balian, gastroenterologist and hepatologist in Paris.
Having trouble digesting is very frequent. Aerophagia, ulcer gastric, hepatic, biliary or intestinal pathology, stress can be the causes of this difficult digestion also called “dyspepsia”. Gastroesophageal reflux can also cause some manifestations of this type. Depending on the cause of these manifestations may occur gradually a severe fatigue, poor general condition and weight loss. Tips for quickly regaining intestinal comfort.
Dyspepsia refers to high functional digestive symptoms. It is characterized by a pain or discomfort after eating, located in the upper abdomen. It can be chronic, occasional or frequent, of various intensities. We currently speak of dyspepsia when no lesion at the origin of the symptoms has been demonstrated. The dyspepsia is functional, that is to say due to a problem without a clearly identified organic cause.
Dyspepsia refers to digestive disorders, involving various symptoms such as nausea, migraines, belching, and pain generally localized in the upper abdomen. These manifestations are also often accompanied by bloating, intestinal gas, early satiety from the start of the meal, then constipation or diarrhea.
The causes of dyspepsia are difficult to identify in the absence of lesion. The most common causes of functional digestive disorders are eating too large meals, excess fat or alcohol, poor chewing, or eating too quickly. Certain factors such as pregnancy, the practice of an endurance sport, stress, anxiety, chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and taking certain medications can be the cause of functional digestive disorders.
In general, the symptoms of dyspepsia are transient and disappear on their own after a few days. It is recommended to consult a doctor if the symptoms persist and become frequent. “Also, to affirm the functional origin and in view of the lack of specificity of the symptoms, it may be useful to carry out additional examinations to eliminate the different diagnoses. In particular a gastroscopy to eliminate a gastric pathology (ulcer, tumor, Helicobacter infection pylori)”says Dr. Balian.
In some cases, the symptoms of dyspepsia can be relieved by changing lifestyle and eating habits. L’quitting smoking, practicing regular physical activity and losing weight are among the most effective measures. The doctor can also prescribe medication depending on the cause of the dyspepsia: antispasmodics to reduce digestive muscle contractions and pain, antacids, or stimulants. If the dyspepsia is due to taking certain medications, discontinuation of treatment is advised.
Dyspepsia can be avoided by adopting a varied and balanced diet, taking the time to chew food well, drinking at least one liter of water a day, and practicing physical activity.
It is recommended to avoid excessive alcohol, tobacco, and to limit hearty or too rich meals.
Thanks to Dr Axel Balian, gastroenterologist and hepatologist.