Dying of old age: what is it, signs, at what age?

Dying of old age what is it signs at what

Dying of old age is a questionable notion: does it mean dying old and healthy? Die a beautiful death without suffering? To die surrounded by his family? At what age ? Definition, causes, signs: interviews with professionals.

Definition: what does it mean to die of old age?

Dying of old age would mean for the vast majority of the population die old a beautiful death : in his bed, quietly, with his family. This image of death is singular and this type of death remains quite rare. “In practice, we do not actually die of old age, we die of illness. We die ofan event that occurs in lifeso one dies being old in many ways”, emphasizes Dr. Sophie Moulias. When it comes to the death of an elderly person, or very old, diagnosed with no pathology (at least publicly), it is quite common to hear that “this person died of old age“Like a candle whose flame would go out at the end of its burst.”Old age is the symptom of the end, of a body that lets go, either affected by a pathology that shortens lifespan or simply by exhausted organs and it’s physiological end of life“, adds Giovanna Marsico.

At what age do people die of old age?

To die of old age is to die at a very old age, from the age of 85.

The age of death is the battle of life expectancy. Today, in France, life expectancy for women is 85.4 years for women And 79.4 years for men (figures taken from vital statistics and population estimates, Insee*, January 2022). To die of old age would therefore be to die at an age higher than that of life expectancy: around 90 for women and of 80 years for man. “To die of old age is to die at a very old age, from the age of 85. But according to the way of life and the socio-professional environment, this age lengthens and is located from 90 years in favored environments and countries in particular”, observes Giovanna Marsico. “Indeed, we all live longer and better, in good health or with fewer life accidents than previous generations. Which is not the case in all countries.adds Dr. Moulias.

A study from the journal Gérontologie et société (see source below) which focused on the definition and representation of old age by questioning two types of population: health professionals and elderly patients, offered results interesting on this issue of old age. For health professionals, old age is defined by the autonomy of the elderly person, to know increased time and ability to dress alone. While for elderly patients, it is characterized by the inability to be able to make love. “These results are quite informative and demonstrate the human point of view versus the professional point of view on the issue of old age.“, observes Giovanna Marsico.

What are the symptoms of death from old age?

death is a biological process triggered by the first organ that fails due to old age. This organ may depend on the pathology affecting the elderly person: cancer, heart problem, Alzheimer’s disease... According to a 2007 INSEE report, the leading cause of death among the elderly are tumors (130,393), closely followed by cardiovascular illnesses (131,439). To die of old age is to die out little by little: to have a failing memory, to see everyday gestures slow down… It is also let her body go all the way. “To die of old age is also to consider death in the physiology of life and to talk about it before disappearing to start from the way in which it is envisaged.concludes Giovanna Marsico.

Thanks to Dr Sophie Moulias, geriatrician in Paris and member of the French Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics and Giovanna Marsico, director of the National Center for End of Life Palliative Care.

*Insee: National Institute of Statistics and Studies.

**Thibaud A, Hanicotte C. What representations do caregivers have of the sexuality of aging subjects? Gerontology and Society 2007/3; flight. 30 / No. 122, p. 125-37.
