DUT in computer science: everything you need to know

DUT in computer science everything you need to know

The DUT (University Diploma in Technology) is a diploma course at bac + 2 level, which focuses on the professional integration of its students. In this article, you will find everything you need to know about the IT DUT.

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The DUT is a state diploma, which is broken down into several major sectors of activity, among them, thecomputer science. It is provided by the IUT (University Institute of Technology), which are public establishments. DUT studies are therefore free.

From September 2021, the DUT will be replaced by the BUT (University Bachelor of Technology), a three-year course. However, students will be able to validate the DUT diploma after two years spent in this course.

How to integrate a DUT in IT?

To apply for a DUT, students are required to hold a scientific baccalaureate. The training is selective upon entry, admission is based on prior analysis of the files, and depending on the establishment, by passing tests or an interview. The selection process is fully managed by Parcourssup, where students can apply for the DUT with a record of grades and a cover letter.

Another possible option is to join the DUT in 2e year, if the student has already validated the necessary skills in another course. For this, 60 ECTS credits (European Credits Transfer System).

The site IUT.fr lists all the establishments that offer IT DUT training in France. It can be useful in particular to find the IUT closest to you.

What do you learn in a computer science DUT?

The DUT spans four course semesters and includes nearly 800 hours of learning. He alternates theoretical and practical learning periods. Half of the training is devoted to IT and its various sub-fields. Thus, the students will havealgorithmic, programming, network architecture, Operating systems, networks or even management of data base.

Finally, the other half of the training is devoted to the disciplinary fields of social, human and scientific culture. The subjects taught are: economics, management, mathematics, languages and communication.

Does the DUT course include internships?

The DUT relies on the rapid professional integration of its students. They therefore have a two-month internship to complete at the end of their course, and will be assessed on this experience, which constitutes an important stage in their training.

Thus, the student will have to present his internship to a jury during a defense to which his teachers and his internship supervisor will be invited. In addition, he will have to write an internship report which will be evaluated twice: both by the company and by the IUT.

What to do after a DUT in computer science?

  • Entering active life and working

The IT DUT allows you to enter directly into the world of work. It gives access to various positions: IT technician, assistant project manager, Web developer, IT systems manager or network integrator.

The IT sector has been booming in recent years and finding work, even after a short course like the DUT, will not be a problem for students!

Over the years, holders of a DUT in IT who will have created professional experience will be able to progress to positions of computer engineer, network architect, technical sales representative, or specialists in various sub-fields of IT (support, remote sensing, cybersecurity, telemedecine, etc.).

Even if the DUT makes it possible to integrate into the working world, some students will prefer to continue their studies to further deepen their knowledge. It is quite possible, and the DUT is recognized by higher education institutions.

Thus, students will have several options to continue their studies:

  • engineering schools;
  • the computer licenses (including the MIAGE course);
  • professional licenses;
  • the schools specialized computing.

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