Cyril Hanouna and Tiphaine Auzière, Antoine Dupont and Iris Mittenaere, Florent Manaudou and Elsa Bois … This week was crazy for the celebrity press.
A week of madness like the little world of celebrities had not known for years. The celebrity press has been gone to the past in recent days to find “the” scoop of the year. And it was no less than three duos of very big celebrities that paid the price. Three “couples” (we added the quotes) which were revealed almost simultaneously by the magazines Here, Paris Match, but also generalist press organs like the Parisian. Should we believe it? In the credibility game, the note may vary from one scoop to another.
Episode 1: Elsa Bois and Florent Manaudou
It all started on March 14 when here said that swimmer Florent Manaudou and dancer Elsa Bois, partners in the show Dance with starswould live a love story. The magazine ensures that Elsa Bois was seen at the end of February, leaving the Parisian apartment of the Olympic champion in the early morning, but without providing proof. Photographs were still published on the cover of the newsstand this weekend (photo). Side sources, just an anonymous assumed that the two partners of Dals “wanted to enjoy each other before Florent’s departure for Marseille. They were not going to see each other for a week.” Credibility index: 5/10.
Episode 2: Iris Mittenaere and Antoine Dupont
The day after the scoop of here, new thunderclap: the captain of the XV of France Antoine Dupont was seen in the company of Iris Mittenaere, Miss France and Miss Universe 2016, after the victory of the XV of France against Scotland. The two alleged lovebirds were photographed in the streets of Paris, immediately triggering speculation on a possible idyll. This time Paris Match confirms, explicit photos in support. The couple was photographed on the Champs-Elysées on March 16, on the sidelines of an evening of the Blues to celebrate their victory in the VI Nations. Observers also say they saw the couple in Paris or Geneva. Even more solid, the Parisian says he is “able to confirm”. Credibility index: 9/10.
Episode 3: Tiphaine Auzière and Cyril Hanouna
But the highlight of the show came on March 19, when Paris Match again struck very strongly by publishing, on the cover (photo) and with great fanfare, another scoop: according to the weekly just bought by Bernard Arnault to Vincent Bolloré, the star Cyril Hanouna And Tiphaine Auzière, Brigitte Macron’s daughter, would be “in love”. The magazine is still based on stolen shots, this time showing the two personalities seated in a Parisian restaurant. The conclusion is however a bit fast. Nothing shows their proximity (they even seem a bit bored on certain aspects) and the two have left each side. No confirmation among loved ones or comments from Hanouna either, however little stingy in information about her own person on Europe 1 or in TPMP.
Tiphaine Auzière having for a time participated in the program Touche not at my postit could just as well be a professional lunch. However, the press immediately exclaimed for this supposed relationship of Emmanuel Macron’s daughter-in-law with one of his fiercest contemporary. A nice blow for Paris Match and maybe for Hanouna himself, some, like Liberation, having noticed that this scoop was “published opportunely the day after a Mediapart investigation on violence surrounding Hanouna and her program”. Credibility : 3/10.
These stunt scoops from the celebrity press, sometimes based on simple rumors, hasty interpretations, extrapolations and stolen photos therefore leave a mixed impression.