Duplantis on the home game: “Very important competition”

“Mondo Classic” is the name of Armand Duplanti’s own pole vaulting gala. On February 6 next year, the gala will be arranged for the third year in a row – at home in Uppsala.

— We will have the very best in place, and that is the most important thing. I hope for a good performance, says Duplantis during a press conference.

TT: What does it mean to be able to compete in your home arena and in front of “your crowd”?

– It’s hard to explain. It means a lot. I don’t get as nervous as before “Mondo Classic”. It’s something special. I’m used to the track and have always jumped well, so I’m looking forward to it.

New for the competition is the measurement of the jumpers’ actual height above the bar when passing. Duplantis says it will be exciting, but also points out that the competition is of an extra important nature as the Olympics are decided months later.

— Those who come there (to Uppsala) are the ones I will compete against in Paris. I want to feel my body, how I jump and where I stand, says the 23-year-old Swede.
