Duo threatened with a gun – sentenced to prison

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It was in January this year that the now convicted persons took the plaintiffs to a forest in Örebro municipality where they forced him to his knees and demanded money from him.

After the incident, one of the convicts sent an SMS and reminded them of the money. He has also contacted a relative to collect the money.

Denies the deeds

Örebro District Court sentences one of the perpetrators to one year and six months in prison, among other things for attempted aggravated extortion and gun crime. The other man is sentenced to one year and three months in prison for, among other things, attempted aggravated extortion. Both are also sentenced to pay damages to the plaintiffs.

Both men deny the deeds.

Illegal threats in connection with pub visits

A third man is also convicted in the case for together with one of the men from the duo having threatened a guard and another person at a nightclub in Örebro in October last year. The penalty for the third person is imprisonment for one year and three months.
