Dune director Denis Villeneuve has issued the same set ban as Christopher Nolan

Dune director Denis Villeneuve has issued the same set ban

When filming a big science fiction blockbuster like Dune, a lot of different things happen at the same time. It’s easy to lose track and, above all, to lose concentration. So how do you get all departments to pull together? Denis Villeneuve has laid down an important rule for this.

Dune director Denis Villeneuve has banned cell phones on his sets and is not alone

According to a new interview with the Los Angeles Times, Vielleneuve has a Ban on smartphones of any kind on his film sets. In doing so, he tries to direct the focus of all teams to the act of filmmaking.

Villeneuve explains:

Cinema is an act of presence. When a painter paints, he must be absolutely focused on the color he is putting on the canvas. The same applies to a dancer when he makes a gesture. As a filmmaker you have to do it with a team and everyone has to concentrate and be completely in the momentlistening to others, relating to one another.

Under no circumstances does he want to see this process interrupted:

That’s why they are No cell phones on my setsince day one. They are forbidden. When you say ‘cut’, you don’t want anyone picking up their phone to check their Facebook account.

Vielleneuve is not alone with this rule. Christopher Nolan is also known for banning smartphones from his sets so that the cast and crew can fully immerse themselves in filming.

No cell phones, no chairs: Christopher Nolan even sparked a controversy with his set bans

A few years ago, Nolan even caused a stir with another rule – and immediately sparked a controversy that was heatedly debated about its necessity. Apparently the director had one Ban on chairs on set imposed.

Kelly Bush Novak from Nolan’s PR team told IndieWire:

For the record: The only things that matter [Christopher Nolans] Sets are prohibited Cell phones (not always successful) and Smoke (very successful). The chairs that Anne is sitting on [Hathaway] referred to are the director’s chairs grouped around the video monitor and assigned based on hierarchy rather than physical necessity.

So chairs are still allowed at Nolan:

Chris chooses not to use his chairs, but has never banned chairs from the set. The actors and crew can sit down wherever and whenever they want, and they often do.

Both Villeneuve and Nolan are already working on their next projects. While everything points to Villeneuve’s positioning of the third Dune film, we’ve officially known for a few days that Christopher Nolan is bringing Homer’s Odyssey to the big screen. The fantasy blockbuster will be released in cinemas in summer 2026.
