Dumbo the elephant gets a challenger – here is Simba, perhaps the world’s longest-eared cat

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When the Simba goat was born, its ears were 48 centimeters long. In a month, the ears have already stretched to 56 centimeters and the growth continues.

20:14•Updated 20:56

Most people have read about the long-eared cartoon fan Dumbo, but now the fairy-tale character has a challenger in real life. Simba’s the ears reach almost to the level of the hooves.

The Simba goat grazing in Karachi, Pakistan, has risen to international fame at an early age.

Karachi’s kili, or rather its ears, would belong in the Guinness Book of Records, according to the goat’s owner. Lurppakorva is for breeding and raising goats Mohammad Hasan Narejon from Kuttula. However, the record-setting company has not had the “World’s Longest Goat” category before

Simba is wanted to be the face of Pakistan’s goat industry

Narejo, who owns Kili, has big plans. He wants to make Simba a role model for goat farming in Pakistan and strengthen the industry’s reputation. Simba is going to be bred into a breeding animal, so that the special appearance would also be passed on to the offspring.

Luonnooiku’s ears also cause trouble for kil. The owner tries to avoid injury by bandaging the ears or protecting Simba with the armor on it.

– Simba has already given almost a hundred interviews. Few film stars or news anchors can do the same in a month, explains Mohammad Hasan Narejo.
