Dumbledore’s Secrets is the worst debut in the series

Dumbledores Secrets is the worst debut in the series

The third movie in the series, Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets, grossed $43 million over the weekend in the US.

Box office figures were announced for the weekend (April 15-17, 2022) in the US. Although Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore peaked at $43 million in its opening week, this figure was not considered a sufficient level for the movie. However, despite the negative weather in the world, it was accepted as a good success that it reached the worldwide box office of 193 million 400 thousand dollars.

Dumbledore’s Secrets got off to a bad start

The first week box office of Fantastic Beasts has been dropping steadily. The first movie in the series earned 74 million, while the second made 62 million. Dumbledore’s Secrets dropped to $43 million. Since the production cost a total of $200 million, it has to rely on worldwide revenue to beat the first two films. The previous worldwide revenues of the series are as follows;

  • Fantastic Beasts: What are they and Where to Find them? : 814 million dollars
  • Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald: $650 million

Normally the series should be completed in five parts, but Warner Bros. wants to see how Dumbledore’s Secrets will perform before filming the fourth installment of the series. I think the fate of the series depends on its current box office success.

In addition to receiving a medium grade from the critics, there were some factors that actually affected the box office. JK Rowling’s anti-trans rhetoric undermined the film, while Jonny Depp’s departure from the project due to a domestic abuse lawsuit and Ezra Miller’s arrest for harassment are thought to have caused the box office to fail.
