GreeceIn the Aegean Sea, due to seismic mobility in the last weeks, he took a week for one week in schools on 4 islands in the region. Greek Prime Minister Kiryakos Micotakis announced that schools will be closed next week on the Santorini, Yamurgi, Niyoz and Anafiya islands in the Aegean Sea affected by seismic mobility.
On these 4 islands, which were declared a state of emergency due to seismic mobility, education was suspended for the same reason for the same reason.
Experts made an evaluation!
On the other hand, the permanent monitoring committee of the permanent scientific delegation and the Greek volcanic arc, the permanent scientific delegation of the seismic danger and the seismic risk reduction, met to evaluate the seismic mobility in the Aegean Sea. According to Greek state television Ert, Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Minister Vasilis Kikilyas also attended the meeting in the light of the data obtained. More than 18 thousand 400 in the region since January 26 earthquake It happened.
According to the opinion of the experts agreed at the meeting, Santorini and Yamurgi Islands have been about 1300 earthquakes with a size of 3 to 5.3 since February 1. There was a decrease in the recent seismic mobility in the region, albeit relatively. According to experts, the seismic mobility in the area between the islands of Yamurgi and Santorini is caused by submarine faults in the northeast-southwest direction. According to the current data, this mobility is associated with tectonic and deep magmatism.
While the seismic mobility in Santorini Kalderasi continues at the same level, an increasing floor deformation in the Santorini region is monitored. In the audits conducted so far, the buildings in the region have good resistance to the seismic load. Despite this, experts who warned to avoid crowded meetings in indoor areas, wanted to avoid derelict structures. Santorini Island Amudiu, Armenis, Korfu and the old harbor coastal lanes will be inconvenient to be inconvenient experts, the citizens of the citizens, the ponds to evacuate, the use of safe ways against landslide risk, advised to move away from the beaches immediately in case of earthquake.
The delegations will meet again on February 19 and evaluate the situation.