due to lack of electricity, the Mopti hospital reduces its activities

due to lack of electricity the Mopti hospital reduces its

In Mali, the Sominé Dolo hospital in Mopti is reducing its activities due to a lack of electricity. In a memo dated Friday January 7 and authenticated by RFI, hospital management informs that the main generator will only be used for a few hours per day. The forced limitation of its use is a real disaster for caregivers and patients.

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According to this press release, power cuts have become so frequent that the hospital’s generator, overloaded, regularly breaks down. Thus, the generator will no longer be started until “ three to four hours straight maximum “, “ exclusively ” For ” medical-surgical emergencies ”, according to the management note.

The rest of the time, the hospital’s activities will be ” as far as possible during EDM service periods », the electricity company of Mali. The inhabitants of Mopti contacted by RFI testify to suffering more than ten hours of outages at least every day. None of the hospital doctors contacted by RFI wished to speak. Some do not hide fear for their safety.

The situation is going from bad to worse »

But the consequences, regarding such an establishment, will necessarily be serious. Operations will have to be canceled or postponed, the same goes for scanners and x-rays, not to mention the heat in the rooms, the storage of certain medications or even administrative monitoring, requiring IT.

What can we do if even the state cannot solve the problem? » blurted out, out of spite, a hospital doctor. “ The situation is going from bad to worse », Alarmed a local elected official. And to add: “ We are made to live in the hope that things will improve and people believe in it, but for four years the problem has been getting worse. “.

The city of Mopti has more than 560,000 inhabitants and the region of Mopti, of which Sominé Dolo is the reference hospital, more than three million, according to the latest census of 2023. In addition, in addition to civilian patients, the hospital of Mopti regularly welcomes wounded Malian soldiers on the ground.
