22 years ago, Germany was looking for the superstar Alexander Klaws in the spotlight – today he can hardly do anything with the show. The former beam man of the casting boom is moving in Bitter conclusion about the development of the program and finds clear words. His criticism has it all.
The first DSDS winner ever: Alexander Klaws became a star 22 years ago
In 2003, a young man with bleached boards conquered the very first DSDS stage in the storm: Alexander Klaws districted with his Bubi-Charm chief juror Dieter Bohlen and the TV audience. He wrote TV history as the first winner of DSDS and is still considered the face of the casting boom of the 2000s. He looked that young in the final:
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With the DSDS victory in the pocket, things went on successfully: After the pop star career, Klaws took off the milk bubi image and Switch up to the celebrated musical actor in hits like Tarzan. The superstar has also grown up privately: he is now a triple dad.
Alexander Klaws calculates with DSDS: “Artificially inflated”
Without a doubt: Alexander Klaws owes his long -term career to victory at DSDS and thus also Dieter Bohlen. In an interview with Hallo Munich, the singer admits that he finds the development of the show problematic. In his time was “There is still a huge compliment to win there”,, So Klaws.
When asked what he meant by this, he submits a devastating judgment: “The show is no longer the same today.” At that time there was room for creative development in the many theme shows, and it really went for music. It is very different today, complains Klaws. His biggest criticism:
The way in which talents can present themselves must be revised. This artificially inflated does not make up the charm of casting shows.
Casting shows like DSDS then lost more and more fans: “You can also see that with the ratings. “ Out, this assessment was sitting. Klaws still gets along well with Dieter Bohlen. So there should not be evil blood with his former mentor.
Despite the quota low: This is how DSDS continues
DSDS is increasingly criticized. The concept of the show is considered consumed and attracts fewer and fewer people in front of the screens. Pop-Titan Dieter Bohlen, too, can no longer inspire the audience as a grantling jury boss. The new superstars are quickly forgotten and cannot build up a musical career. Nevertheless, DSDS cannot be killed: The new season is scheduled to start in autumn 2025 or spring 2026.