DSDS brings back Dieter Bohlen’s absolute favorite for the final season

DSDS brings back Dieter Bohlens absolute favorite for the final

RTL’s backward roll is complete. First, the broadcaster brought the DSDS veteran Dieter Bohlen back to the casting show after a break of only one season – and thus to the worst ratings in show history reacted. The return season will also be the Farewell Relayand for the final round one of the most important Germany is looking for the superstar faces will be back on the jury: Pietro Lombardi.

Dieter Bohlen’s jury buddy Pietro Lombardi comes back to DSDS

RTL announced this in a press release today. Protégé and mentor are reunited and the biggest DSDS bromance can ride into the sunset together in 2023.

Dieter Bohlen is happy, to put it in Dieter Bohlen language, like a schnitzel about the return:

He is my absolute dream candidate for the DSDS anniversary jury. We met at DSDS twelve years ago. Everyone knows that I’ve held him firmly in my heart ever since. Guys, buckle up: DSDS 2023 – this is going to be awesome!

Lombardi won season 8 of Deutschland sucht den Superstar in 2011. He then sat on the jury twice, in 2019 and 2020. Lombardi is one of the biggest stars the show has produced since it began in 2002. Since then he has been present and successful both as a singer and as a TV personality.


Pietro Lombardi

When does the last season of Deutschland sucht den Superstar start?

The castings for the last show will start soon, you can still apply. Traditionally, a DSDS season starts in January and then runs for several months. That is, in The last season of DSDS will come to an end in spring 2023. And with it a whole TV era.

In the end, the only question is whether anyone will even care about the winner and the winner of the show this season. Not that it was any different before.
