DS competition, ANIEF appeals against the exclusion of teachers with equal service and in IeFP courses

Scuola Anief Decreto PA bis approvato emendamento dirigenti scolastici asteriscati

(Finance) – ANIEF start the appeal to the Lazio TAR against the exclusion from the 2023 School Directors Competition of aspirants who have served five years in private schools or in IeFP courses. Memberships on the ANIEF website until 17 January 2024. The publication of the new competition notice for school managers confirmed a significant difference in the entry requirements compared to that of 2017.

While in the previous competition it was foreseen the access of graduated and confirmed teachers with a service of at least five years in the institutions of the national education system (state schools, private schools and professional education and training courses), the 2023 call instead limited access to teachers who have served in state schools only.

ANIEF considers this limitation illegitimate and initiates a specific appeal to the TAR Lazio. During membership on the union website it will also be possible to download the paper application form, which is essential given that candidates without the service requirement in state schools alone cannot submit a request for participation via the ministerial online platform for competitions and selective procedures.

It is possible to join the appeal until 17 January 2024deadline for submitting applications to participate in the DS 2023 Competition. Teachers who have provided at least five years of service, excluding the current one, wholly or partially in private schools or in IeFP courses, can participate.
