Dry Scooping is increasingly common among young men

Dry Scooping is increasingly common among young men

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    A new study conducted in Canada reveals that more than one in five teenagers and young adult men practice “Dry Scooping”. Popularized by TikTok in 2021 with the “Dry Scooping Challenge”, this practice consists of swallowing spoonfuls of dry protein, without diluting it in water, in order to optimize sports performance.

    A new study carried out by researchers from the University of Toronto in Canada, and published in the journal Eating Behaviors, demonstrated that “dry scooping” is increasingly common among young men. To measure the prevalence of this practice, the researchers studied the eating behaviors of more than 2,731 Canadian adolescents and young adults for twelve months.

    A more frequent practice in case of muscular dysmorphia

    According to the work, 17% of the volunteers declared having practiced “dry scooping” at least once during the last twelve months, and on average 50 times over this period. This trend”was significantly more common in men (21.8%) than in women (14.2%)“. The people most likely to practice “dry scooping” are young followers of bodybuilding, who spent a lot of time on social networks and who suffer from muscle dysmorphia. This psychological disorder is indeed very common among young men. A person with muscle dysmorphism perceives themselves to be more frail than they actually are and develops an excessive preoccupation with gaining muscle mass.

    Our data shows that new eating practices that become popular on social media and in gyms can lead to a higher likelihood of engagement. We need to think of these risk factors as potential areas for prevention and intervention.“, said Kyle T. Ganson, author of the study, and assistant professor on the faculty of the University of Toronto, in a statement.

    The dangers of dry scooping

    Protein powder is known to be the ally of regular athletes. Containing amino acids, caffeine, carbohydrates, and creatine phosphate, it restores muscle strength and helps to last during very intense workouts. But the ingestion of this powder is not without risks.

    “Dry Scooping” can cause inhalation problems, cardiac abnormalities as well as digestive problems. Moreover, the accidental inhalation of this powder can cause a choking, infection, or even pneumonia. Proponents of the technique run a high risk of overuse or accidental inhalation of the powder. One scoop can contain as much caffeine as 5 cups of coffee. This can cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, potentially leading to heart rhythm disturbances, say the doctors. In June 2021, a follower of the practice, Briatney Portillo, revealed that she had a heart attack after consuming protein powder, in the wave of the “Dry Scooping Challenge”.

    Another hazard, the list of ingredients is not transparent enough for powders sold online and whose suppliers are unknown. “Several have been banned for containing substances such as a amphetamine synthetic called DMAA and a stimulant called synephrine” indicated the BBC in October 2021.

    We need physical and mental health professionals to know about these trends aimed at increasing performance and muscle“, concludes researcher Kyle T. Ganson.
