Dry eye: more and more children affected because of screens

Dry eye more and more children affected because of screens

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    Dry eye, common in adults, would affect increasingly young children according to specialists. Screen time is no stranger to this phenomenon.

    We know that screens at too high a dose in the youngest would be harmful in many respects. According to a recent study reported by the DailyMail, dry eye is also diagnosed in younger and younger subjects, linked to intensive use of screens, whereas this pathology generally affects adults aged 50-60.

    What are the consequences of this pathology?

    Dry eye occurs when tears are unable to provide adequate lubrication to the eyes. It normally affects older people and can be painful. The eyes of sufferers can quickly become red and sensitive. Worse, this eye disease can also cause irreversible damage to certain tear-producing glands in the eyelids.

    The craze for screens and makeup in question

    According to the scientists quoted by the DailyMail, this problematic condition for the quality of life would be on the increase in young patients from the age of 6 years. One explanation would be found on the side of electronic media: staying in front of a laptop, television or tablet for a long time would considerably reduce the blink rate. But not only: other experts also put in helmet the craze of the make-up at the smallest, also responsible for ocular disorders.

    For Dr. Matthew Olsen of Thea Pharmaceuticals, quoted by the Daily, which creates products to help treat dry eyes, “it is now becoming urgent to raise awareness of all ages about the care of our eyes”.

    When should you worry?

    If you have dry eyes, it is best to consult an ophthalmologist if:

    • Eye discomfort persists despite treatment all the more if you wear contact lenses ;
    • Your eyesight went down fast ;
    • You have an eye infection (keratitis, conjunctivitis, corneal infection) or blepharitis (eyelid infection).

    Dry eye syndrome: what treatments?

    Currently, the only treatments available to patients are :

    • eyelid hygienewhich consists of the application of hot water compresses (45°C), associated with the massage of the eyelids and the exercise of manual pressure simulating the blinking of the eyelids in order to express the drops of oil;
    • Artificial tears or lubricating eye drops available in pharmacies to moisten the eyes. Prefer single doses, without preservatives, to reduce the risk of eye infections and irritation. You can use them as often as necessary, once or twice a day or several times an hour.
