Drunk man allegedly jumps fence at site of Wheatley gas explosion

Police investigate Wallaceburg break in

An intoxicated 20-year-old male was apprehended by Chatham-Kent police after he was seen by officers jumping a fence early Sunday morning to gain access to the area around the gas explosion site in Wheatley.

A drunk 20-year-old man was apprehended by Chatham-Kent police after allegedly being seen by officers jumping a fence early Sunday morning to gain access to the evacuation zone around the gas explosion site in Wheatley.

Police said the man was arrested for trespassing and, since he was intoxicated and unable to care for himself, was taken to police headquarters and held until sober.

person in crisis

Chatham-Kent police provided some details about an incident that closed a section of Gregory Drive in Chatham for several hours last Thursday.

Police said officers were dispatched after reports of a person in crisis at a Gregory Drive address around 1 am

Officers responded and negotiated for several hours, eventually taking the person to hospital for treatment, police said.

The department will not be commenting further on the matter out of respect to the parties involved, police said

utility trailer stolen

Chatham-Kent police are investigating the theft of a white 14-foot dual-axel utility trailer after being called to a Cabot Trail home in Chatham around 11:40 am Sunday.

The trailer, containing several power tools, has a large ‘Weiser Performance’ sticker on the front, along with Ontario license plate P72 62K.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Const. Steve White at [email protected]. Anonymous calls can also be made to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Breaching release order

A 22-year-old Chatham man landed in custody after he was reportedly found breaching his release order while in the area of ​​Wellington Street in Chatham on Sunday.

The accused allegedly tried to flee when officers went to arrest him, but he was caught and taken to police headquarters, police said.

While being searched at the station, evidence was found that the man was allegedly trafficking in controlled substance, police said.

The accused was charged and held for bail.

Back-to-school safety reminder

Chatham-Kent police are reminding motorist of the increase in traffic and pedestrians as students return to school Tuesday.

“Please reduce your speed in the area of ​​crosswalks and school zones,” police said. “Remember slower is safer.”

With school buses back on the road, police said all drivers must stop when approaching a stopped school bus with its upper red lights and stop arm flashing, regardless of the speed limit or number of lanes.

Motorists failing to comply may be issued a $490 fine and six demerit points, police said.

“Back to school safety is a community effort,” police said. “Together, we can make this school year a safe one.”


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