Drunk birds met death in bus shelters

Drunk birds met death in bus shelters

Published: Less than 30 min ago

full screen Sidetails like rowan berries. Archive image. Photo: Sergei Grits/AP/TT

Around 20 silktails have been found dead on the ground at a glass bus shelter in Helsingborg, writes Helsingborgs Dagblad (HD).

The municipality first suspected that the birds had been shot or poisoned. However, those theories were quickly dismissed, says Anna Glittersten Kratz, unit manager at Park and street environment in the city of Helsingborg, to the newspaper:

– It is certain that they were drunk. They tend to be. Now that it’s this hot, the rowan berries are fermenting extra hard on the trees.

However, it is unusual for so many birds to die at once. Thomas Terne, chairman of Kullabygden’s ornithological association, tells the newspaper that he has never heard of anything like this. He believes that the silktails, which move in flocks, have been spooked and that the whole flock must have flown into the glass cure.

Now the municipality will put up silhouettes of birds of prey on the bus shelter, to avoid this happening again, writes HD.
