Drunk and rowdy when Frida Karlsson won the five-mile

It got rowdy on Saturday, when the five-mile race took place in Holmenkollen, Norwegian and Swedish media report. Around 30,000 people, many between the ages of 16 and 20, gathered at the site.

NRK reports on drunkenness and fights between young people. People have also been aggressive towards police officers.

130 people have received help

Between 40 and 50 people have been taken away from the site during the day. 130 people have received help from the Red Cross on site. Seven people have been taken to the emergency room for further treatment.

– The majority of injuries are people who cannot take care of themselves, says Anders Oustorp at the Red Cross, to NRK.

Aftonbladet: Cocaine next to Karlsson

Swedish media have also reported on site from the folk festival. Aftonbladet’s reporter tells, among other things, how a person hides behind a tree and takes cocaine right next to the track when Frida Karlsson drives by.

Skier Moa Lundgren tells Expressen about how the atmosphere was in place.

– A naval battle. It really smelled of alcohol and something sweet in the trail.
