The police in Norrbotten are working to stop drug smuggling from the south. Extended camera surveillance and checks on buses and trains are being done to prevent the influx. – We seek out places where we believe there may be drugs. In apartments, storage and means of transport, for example, says Thomas Kemi, dog handler. Criminal networks are increasingly sought outside the big cities, as the drug market is saturated. It shows a report from the Crime Prevention Council. Transported north Norrbotten police’s latest seizures show that drugs are transported north. Two Stockholmers were arrested at the train station in Boden with 37 kilos of hashish in their bags and a Finnish citizen on his way to Finland who arrived by train in Luleå was charged last week with a serious drug offense when he had over 1000 drug-classified tablets in his bag. In the player above: The police explain how to stop the flow of drugs north.
Drug smugglers are looking north – the market is saturated in the big cities