Drove street race on E4 in Umeå – at 200 kilometers per hour

It was around 10pm on Saturday evening that the police received information that cars had gathered on E4 to compete in a so-called “street race”, a spontaneous competition where car drivers often drive short, fast races at high speed.

When the police arrived at the scene, they were met by a large number of cars and people.

The police tried to make their way using sound and light signals, but it was difficult because of all the cars and people at the scene.

Up to 200 km/h

The police perceived that two cars started a race after E4, whereupon the police follow the vehicles.

– It is at high speed, up to 200 kilometers per hour, says Marie Andersson, the police spokesperson in the northern region.

“Difficult to investigate crimes”

After a while, the driver of one of the cars chose to stop at the police’s request. A man in his 40s is now suspected of negligence in traffic and had his driver’s license taken care of at the scene.

The other driver continued driving.

– These are difficult crimes to investigate. It is important to be able to prove who drove the car, says Andersson.
