Drosera (homeopathy): cough, how to take it?

Drosera homeopathy cough how to take it

The homeopathic strain Drosera is mainly used for its antitussive properties. For what type of cough? Dry? Grasse? What are its other uses? Its terms of use?

What is Drosera in homeopathy?

The Drosera strain is extracted from a fresh herbaceous plant: Drosera rotundifolia (round-leaved sundew). Sundew is a carnivorous plant that feeds on insects. The presence of a shiny juice on the surface of its eyelashes gives it the name “sun dew“. The homeopathic preparations based on Drosera rotundifolia (granules, globules, syrups, etc.) contain in particular a compound having anti-inflammatory properties.

Photo of the plant Drosera rotundifolia © Matauw-Adobestock

What are the indications for Drosera?

Homeopathy can be used alone or in combination with other treatments. The Drosera strain is used to treat symptoms of a cough and ENT pathologies associated with a cough such as laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, recurrent nasopharyngitis in children. Similarly, it is indicated in certain bacterial infections whose major symptom is cough: whooping cough, bronchiolitis. In rheumatology, Drosera is a remedy to relieve inflammation such as acute hip synovitis and arthritis caused by an infection.

For which cough?

Drosera can relieve several types of cough:

  • a dry cough (irritative) isolated or caused by an ENT infection
  • a hacking cough including night
  • a wet coughwhich is characterized by mucus production
  • a cough characteristic of whooping cough (which is similar to “rooster crow”): coughing fits and spasms that can cause vomiting
  • a compression cough : narrowing of the bronchi or trachea

Drosera can be taken as granules or globules to melt under the tongue or to dissolve in a little water in a child under 6 years old. The dosage varies according to the indication:

► Laryngitis, tracheitis or bronchitis associated with a cough: 5 granules, in 7 or 9 CH, after each coughing fit

► Recurrent nasopharyngitis in children: 1 dose of globules per week in 15 or 30 CH

► Pertussis or bronchiolitis : 1 dose of globules in 30 CH, to be renewed as soon as the effect wears off (usually daily)

► Compression cough or caused by a swollen ganglion in the trachea or in the bronchi: 5 granules per day, in 15 or 30 CH

► In rheumatology : 5 pellets once or twice a day, in 7 or 9 CH

If symptoms persist for more than 3 days, see a doctor

The duration of treatment is generallyone week for acute conditions and three months for chronic conditions (in background treatment). However, these times may vary depending on the medical prescription. Some homeopathic medicines contain a combination of Drosera and other strains. For the symptomatic treatment of all types of cough, the specialties available include:

  • LHF pectoral pastes with mandarin®, Baudry® pasta: suck 6 per day for children and 6 to 12 per day for adults
  • Stodalin® syrup: a dose of 15 mL 3 to 5 times a day in adults, a dose of 2.5 mL once a day (between 24 and 35 months), twice a day (between 3 and 11 years) and one dose of 5 mL 2 to 3 times a day (between 12 and 18 years old)
  • Stodal® syrup: a dose of 15 mL 3 to 5 times a day in adults, a dose of 5 mL 3 to 5 times a day in children, respecting a period of 4 hours between each intake
  • Stodal® granules: 5 granules 3 to 5 times a day for adults and children

For the specific treatment of dry cough, the drug Drosétux® can be taken at the rate of a dose of 15 ml 2 to 3 times a day in adults, a dose of 5 ml 2 to 5 times a day in children from 5 years old and a dose of 2 .5 mL 3 to 4 times a day in children under 5 years old. In the absence of improvement in symptoms after 3 days, a medical consultation is required.

Can Drosera be given to babies?

The granules or globules of Drosera are administrable in babies from birth. The drug is to be dissolved beforehand in a bottle of water or a glass of water. For easier administration, it is possible to dissolve the daily dose in a single bottle and give the solution to drink to the baby as many times as the number of doses per day. As regards commercial specialties containing several strains, pasta is contraindicated in children under 6 years oldDrosétux® can be administered from 30 months and other drugs from 2 years.

– Public drug database
– Boiron Laboratories
– Demarque D., Jouanny J., Poitevin B., Saint-Jean Y. Pharmacology and homeopathic materia medica. ECHR Editions, 2009.
