Drop strict writing about the veil

Drop strict writing about the veil
full screen More and more women in Iran have neglected to wear the veil, something the country’s conservative government wants to change with the new bill. Archive image. Photo: Vahid Salemi/AP/TT

– This draconian writing goes against international law and must be abolished.

Ravina Shamdasani, spokeswoman for the UN human rights agency OHCHR, strongly urges Iran to withdraw a bill that dramatically increases the penalties for women who do not follow the country’s strict dress code.

According to the writing on “support for the culture and chastity of the hijab”, a prison sentence of up to ten years can be imposed. Whipping and fines are also on the punishment scale.

The bill was approved this week by the country’s parliament for a trial period of three years. It is expected to receive the green light from the Guardian Council shortly.

UN representatives have also called the bill “repressive” and “degrading”.

Last week it was a year since 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died in hospital in Iran, after being taken away by morality police because she was deemed not to have worn her veil properly. Her death triggered a widespread wave of protests in Iran and around the world.
