Drone hit the face of the lead actor in the series shot for Netflix

Drone hit the face of the lead actor in the

One of the world’s largest content platforms Netflix, this time it is on the agenda with a drone-centered set accident.

Netflix for Taiwan-based Agent From Above A drone hit the face of lead actor Kai Ko during the shooting of the series. In an action scene, the drone was flown close to the player’s face, due to a problem, the drone got out of control and hit the player’s face and It is reported to cause serious cuts.. There are actually different explanations for the process. Ko’s manager told Taiwanese media that after the drone exploded, the star’s face was severely disfigured and required up to 30 stitches. Production companies, on the other hand, said that there was no explosion or breakage of the wings.

Both production companies standard safety procedures He claims that they are working within the scope of the drone and says that the propellers of the drone are protected by protective sections. There is no official statement from Netflix about this, but Kai Ko is still not back in shooting. (Even career may end if facial wounds are not fully closed.), it is stated that the content continues to be shot over the scenes in which he is not present. Sources state that Agent From Above is the most expensive Taiwanese production to date.


Serious theft incidents had come to the fore in relation to Netflix series sets. Last year, Queen Elizabeth II was in the center The Crown from the set of the series 200 thousand dollars Antiques of value were stolen. After this event, in the center “theft theme” located in lupine set was robbed. Here over 300 thousand dollars The equipment was reported stolen. It is said that this incident was carried out by 20 different thieves with their faces covered while Omar Sy, the lead actor of the Lupine series, was filming.

Those who do not hide and confirm these resounding thefts. NetflixGladly, no actors or set workers were harmed in the process. As you can imagine, these thefts will not affect Netflix’s plans, but the company will definitely place more emphasis on security in the future.
