Drone Explodes Near US Consulate in Erbil

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Three people were injured and several vehicles were damaged as a result of the explosion of an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) in the city of Erbil in northern Iraq.

In the news that Reuters news agency based on local sources, it was stated that the drone exploded on the Pirmam road in the outskirts of Erbil at 21.35 local time.

Two security sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that the drone was shot down, but no one claimed responsibility for the incident.

A security source said earlier that “a drone attack was carried out targeting the US Consulate in Erbil,” but did not give further details.

After the incident, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al Kazimi said in a phone call with Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government Prime Minister Massoud Barzani that “Baghdad will cooperate with Erbil to hold the perpetrators accountable”.

In a statement on Twitter, the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq said, “The explosive-laden drone fell on the Erbil-Pirmam route, causing injury and damage to civilians. Another reckless incident. As stated earlier, Iraq does not need self-proclaimed armed arbitrators. “The establishment of state authority is essential. If the perpetrators are known, call them and hold them accountable.”
