Drone attacks: Russian soldiers’ own survival tips

Drones have had a fundamental impact on soldiers’ everyday lives on the battlefield. So says David Hambling, British journalist and author specializing in drone warfare. Trenches and dug holes in the ground, which have historically been good protection in battle, do not work against drones.

– If you are in a hole in the ground, it turns into a grave if a drone drops a bomb while you are there, says Hambling.

On social media, tips are now being spread among Russian soldiers, including from the blogger “Russian Engineer”on how to increase your chances of surviving a drone attack.

Most important: To not be found at all

The most important tips are about not being found at all. David Hambling describes it as asking soldiers to be good campers: don’t leave litter, destroy the vegetation or the like.

– It’s the kind of thing that will reveal your position – drones find you and you’re dead.

Drones in warfare “the start of an evolution”

To what extent Russia also uses drones against Ukrainian soldiers is difficult to get a picture of, they don’t publish as much on social media. But according to David Hambling, it is known that Russia does not have the same level of technical competence.

However, it is clear that the use of drones on the battlefield is here to stay, he believes:

– It is a new type of warfare that develops in real time. We are seeing the start of an evolution and we do not yet know where it will lead.
