During the night to Sunday, two skyscrapers in Moscow were damaged in connection with what is claimed to be a Ukrainian drone attack. Although Ukraine has not commented on the accusations, Swedish experts believe that this was the case – and that the recent attack is a reminder to the Russian population that the war is still ongoing.
– I think it wears down the patience of the Russians, says Russia expert Malcolm Dixelius.
One person is said to have been injured in connection with the night’s drone attack against the Russian capital, where one of the airports also had to be closed when a drone allegedly flew nearby.
Although Ukraine has not yet commented on the Russian accusations, President Zelenskyy states that it is inevitable and fair that the war turns back on Russian territory.
– We have to assume that it is likely that Ukraine is behind these drone attacks. This is a strategic political signaling being carried out – to take the conflict in Ukraine to Moscow and remind the Russian politicians and the people of Moscow that the war has soon been going on for 15 months, says Lieutenant Colonel Johan Huovinen.
Don’t want civilians to get hurt
According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Ukraine also allegedly sent 25 drones towards the Crimean peninsula during the night, all of which were repelled. Why Ukraine uses drones in particular is because they don’t want civilians to get hurt, according to the lieutenant colonel.
– If you had wanted to attack Moscow, you might have had to use unconventional methods that could more easily be linked to terrorism. Therefore, Ukraine chooses to use a slower-moving type of drone that flies at about 120 kilometers per hour.
Dixelius: No possibilities for peace talks
According to Malcolm Dixelius, war weariness is spreading in Russia right now. He describes the drone attacks against Moscow as “a kind of psychological warfare” and does not believe that there are any possibilities for peace talks between the countries – this despite the fact that President Putin stated this weekend that they would not reject any such talks.
– But from the Russian side, you are in a hurry to get to the negotiating table because it is only they who can lose ground and thus end up in a worse position, he says and emphasizes that it is important to remember that Russia only wants to negotiate based on what it has achieved in the war.
– Ukraine wants to get into a better position and push the Russians back as far as possible. We will see when there is a pain point that causes both parties to go to negotiations, he says.