Driverless vehicle tests continue for Apple Car

Driverless vehicle tests continue for Apple Car

It has been in the works for a long time Apple Car electric car New information was brought to the agenda today for the project.

Apple Car The project has been making a splash for years, and it is known that things are generally not going well in the project. Some new information came today within the scope of the project where many personnel changed. Old information obtained from US-based official records indicates that Apple’s first vehicle will use the highly important autonomous (driverless) driving system. It was revealed that he tested it with 67 different vehicles and 201 different test drivers. The company later seriously narrowed down the testing process. According to the latest information, the tests have been accelerated again and the company is now based in the USA. It continues its tests with 162 different drivers on 68 vehicles. transferred. Number of drivers and vehicles (Specially modified vehicles of other companies are used in the tests) Apple, which is expected to increase even more in 2024, is not the only technology company working on this issue. Many companies, including Xiaomi, are actively working in the field.


According to a source who spoke last year, it has been a long time for the first Apple-signed vehicle to be released. 2026 year is targeted. The vehicle, which was previously claimed to be fully autonomous and will not have a steering wheel or brake pedal, will retain its traditional structure, according to later information. Accordingly, autonomous driving features are similar to the existing cars on sale in the Apple Car model. will use as support. Meanwhile, some information about the price of the vehicle is also on the agenda. It’s a bit wrong to talk about the price in advance, but the vehicle It is claimed that it will be sold for a price below 100 thousand dollars. His power is a special Apple Silicone The model, which will be completely electric and will be powered by the processor, will be older than expected due to the difficulties in the project. It will appear with a standard infrastructure and design.
