Drinking water while eating: good or bad idea?

Drinking water while eating good or bad idea

While good hydration is essential, can drinking with meals be the cause of health problems? Whether digestive or other? Answers from nutritionist Nina Cohen-Koubi.

For years we can read everywhere thatit is essential to drink sufficient water. 1.5 liters per day is often what is indicated for good hydration. Remember, water helps prevent headaches, lack of concentration, dry skin, pain in the tendons or joints, or sometimes even irritability.

During meals, some people are reluctant to fill their glass with water, for fear of experiencing bloating or swelling of the stomach. A myth that does not reflect any scientific reality. “You have to drink an average of 10 glasses of water per day to be properly hydrated. But drinking while eating does not change anything … obviously provided you are satisfied with plain water, because sparkling water can indeed give the sensation of swell. The digestive system adapts, and one or two glasses of water does not change anything “, explains doctor Nina Cohen-Koubi Nutritionist in Paris.

Drink while eating: what are the benefits?

This reflex can even be interesting because the water allows the food bowl to soften, which aids digestion. Not to mention that the appetite suppressant effect has the advantage of regulating or calming the most acute appetites. In addition, the fact of putting down your cutlery to drink, obliges to take a break between each bite, thus slowing down the mechanics of the meal. And eat more slowly Not only aids digestion, but fills you up faster. A plus that can be envisioned by anyone who pays attention to their figure. Indeed, on this point, the fact of drinking indicates to the brain that the stomach will be sufficiently full, which will increase satiety and result in stopping eating faster than without drinking.

“Besides, if we want to eat less in terms of quantities, it is a good idea to drink two glasses of water before sitting down to eat because water has an undeniable appetite suppressant effect “, continues the nutritionist. This is obviously better than indulging in untimely snacking.

Waters that aid digestion

Let’s repeat it, we talk still water only. If you have a choice, it is better to opt for water rich in calcium and magnesium because they help better digestion. Carbonated water, especially if one is frequently subject to bloating, should be avoided. This type of drink tends to increase the amount of air in the stomach. Finally it is recommended avoid drinking ice water because digestion can be affected. Once these rules are applied, there is no need to worry about your waistline or your digestion anymore …

Thanks to doctor Nina Cohen-Koubi, nutritionist doctor in Paris.

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