Drinking matcha tea every day, is it good or dangerous for your health?

Drinking matcha tea every day is it good or dangerous

A very trendy drink, matcha tea has many health benefits, especially for the skin and fatigue. But can we drink it every day? The evening ? Fasting in the morning? What do we risk if we abuse it?

Anti-wrinkle, antioxidant, stimulant, anti-stressmatcha tea, in particular thanks to its content of theine, catechins and L-theanine, has many health benefits. But is it really reasonable to consume it every day? If not, what are the dangers? Can we eat it in the evening? In the morning while fasting?

Can you drink matcha every day?

If we are talking about plain matcha tea, in other words without milk or sugar (which would then be a matcha latte), it is completely possible to drink matcha tea every day, without abusing it. “The maximum consumption is 2 to 3 cups per day (at the rate of 1 to 2 g of matcha powder diluted in 80 ml of water). 3 cups of matcha contains approximately 200 mg of caffeine, which is well below the maximum recommended caffeine doses for an adult (400 mg according to the European Food Safety Agency, editor’s note). Know that it must always be consumed away from meals because the tannins contained in matcha tea can reduce the absorption of other vitamins provided by food“, warns Dr. Asmahan Ziyadi, nutritionist doctor whom we had interviewed on the subject. Be careful, if you drink too much, there is a “risk of vitamin A overdose“, adds our expert. Note that matcha is very low calorie : a cup of matcha (without milk or sugar) contains 3 calories and contains no sugar. However, if you have a medical history (chronic illnesses) or if you are pregnant, it is advisable to seek the advice of your doctor before consuming it.

Can you drink matcha at night?

We do not recommend consuming matcha after 4 p.m.and therefore in the evening, because it is provided with theine (tea caffeine), which can delay falling asleep and affect sleep”, indicates our interlocutor.

Can you drink matcha on an empty stomach?

Yes, there is no risk of drinking it on an empty stomach. On the contrary, drinking matcha in the morning rehydrates the body after a night’s sleep, facilitates the elimination of toxins and, thanks to its L-theanine content, provide progressive and constant energy which lasts between 4 and 6 hours, without highs or lows of energy.

Can you drink cold matcha?

You can drink your matcha hot or cold: the health properties will be the same.

Thanks to Dr Asmahan Ziyadi, nutritionist doctor.
