Drinking a glass is all it takes: It instantly lowers blood sugar! Heart diseases, stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal problems…

Drinking a glass is all it takes It instantly lowers

Rosehip provides many benefits to the body with the vitamins it contains. It is claimed to boost the immune system, boost circulation, reduce inflammation and even prevent heart disease. Some of these claims are better supported by research than others.


A number of studies have suggested that rosehip may help treat symptoms of osteoarthritis (“wear and tear arthritis”) and rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune form of arthritis).

In a 2005 study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, researchers reported that supplementing with 5 grams of rosehip daily reduced osteoarthritis pain and the need for pain medication better than a placebo after three weeks of use.

Also, a 2010 study in Phytomedicine found that rosehip supplements improved physical function in people with rheumatoid arthritis, but did little to relieve pain.


According to a small study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, rosehip may help prevent heart disease in people with obesity. For this study, 31 people with a body mass index (BMI) over 30 were given a daily tonic containing rosehip powder or a placebo.

After six weeks, the rosehip group showed greater improvement in heart disease markers (including systolic blood pressure and cholesterol levels) than the placebo group. On the other hand, there were no increases in vascular inflammation and no reduction in diastolic blood pressures.


Preliminary research shows that rosehip may help prevent type 2 diabetes, especially in people with risk factors such as obesity and high blood pressure.

According to researchers, rosehip was able to normalize blood sugar levels and keep cholesterol in check. It has been hypothesized that the compounds in the plant stimulate the growth of beta cells responsible for insulin production in the pancreas.


Rosehip has been used for generations to treat diarrhea, stomach ulcers, and other gastrointestinal issues. There is growing evidence that this folk remedy can actually work.

According to a 2017 review from the University of Zaragoza in Spain, rosehip appears to slow the contraction of intestinal muscles almost as effectively as medication used to treat diarrhea.


Rosehip also reduces the risk of ulcers by changing the pH balance in the stomach. By doing so, it can create a virtually destructive environment for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), the bacterium largely responsible for ulcer development. More research will be needed to confirm these results.


Antioxidants are substances that protect or reduce cell damage caused by molecules called free radicals. Consuming foods and beverages rich in antioxidants provides protection against chronic conditions such as heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. In a study on the antioxidant contents of six fruit extracts, rosehip was found to have the highest antioxidant capacity. More specifically, it also contains high levels of polyphenols, carotenoids, and vitamins C and E, all of which have potent antioxidant properties.

The amounts of these antioxidants in rose hips can vary widely depending on the type of plant, time of harvest, and the altitude at which the plant is grown. Interestingly, plants from higher altitudes tend to have higher antioxidant levels. Additionally, research shows that dried rose hips may offer fewer antioxidants than fresh varieties.

Because rosehip tea can be made with both, you can get more antioxidants by using fresh rosehips instead of dried rosehips or tea bags.


One of the most impressive benefits of rose hips is that it contains a high concentration of vitamin C. While the exact amount varies by plant, rose hips have been shown to have the highest vitamin C content of all fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C plays many important roles in your immune system, including;

  • stimulating the production of white blood cells called lymphocytes, which protect your body against infection
  • Increases the function of lymphocytes
  • Helping maintain your skin’s protective barrier against external pathogens
  • In addition to vitamin C, rose hips contain high levels of polyphenols and vitamins A and E, all of which help strengthen and protect your immune system.


Studies show that rosehip tea can help with weight loss. Studies show that rosehip from the Rosa canina plant is high in an antioxidant called tiliroside, which may have fat-burning properties.


In an 8-week study in obesity-prone mice, those fed a high-fat diet containing 1% rosehip extract gained significantly less body weight and stomach fat than animals that did not receive the supplement. Human studies show similar results.


In a 12-week study in 32 overweight adults, taking 100 mg of rosehip extract daily significantly reduced body weight and stomach fat compared to the placebo group. However, current research is limited to the effects of concentrated rosehip extract, not tea. Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and is responsible for providing elasticity to your skin. Vitamin C has been shown to support collagen synthesis and protect skin cells from sun damage, both of which help your skin look firmer and younger. Since rosehip tea is high in this vitamin, drinking it can benefit your skin.


Additionally, rosehip tea contains the carotenoid astaxanthin, which may have anti-aging effects as it helps prevent the breakdown of collagen. Other carotenoids in rosehip tea may also benefit skin health.


In particular, vitamin A and lycopene are known to protect skin cells against sun damage. An 8-week study in 34 people showed that those who consumed 3 grams of rosehip powder per day experienced fewer crow’s feet wrinkles and also improved skin moisture and elasticity. However, it is unclear whether drinking rosehip tea would have the same effect on skin health. (Homeland)
