Streamer Guy “DrDisrespect” Beahm lost some advertising partners when it came out a few months ago why he was banned from Twitch in 2020. But a partner who was particularly close to his heart dropped out earlier, as he now says. The San Francisco 49er football team dropped him because he laughed at the pronouns in the SF game Starfield.
Why did DrDisrespect lose its advertising partner? In 2023, DrDisrespect played Starfield. When creating the character, the user was asked which pronouns he wanted to use. This makes it possible to play a character who looks male but prefers female pronouns. The question of pronouns in Starfield was a big issue for some at the time.
DrDisrespect sighed audibly and smiled at the pronoun query.
Then he looked at Twitter bios of managers at Bethesda, the developers of Starfield, and saw that manager Pete Hines had listed his pronouns:
DrDisrespect: said: Now he understands why Bethesda didn’t want to work with him even though he had spoken so highly of Starfield.
But Bethesda, he suggested, was probably too “politically correct” to work with him. You spoke of “previous controversies”. That’s why he didn’t even get early access to Starfield (via X).
DrDisrespect was a celebrity on Twitch – his ban is still a big secret today
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Football club immediately separates from DrDisrespect
What were the consequences? We DrDisrespect now in a stream from November 19th. reported that this interaction led to the San Francisco 49er football club contacting him and ending the collaboration (via YouTube).
The collaboration with the football team began in August 2022. Essentially, the collaboration was based on the fact that DrDisrespect was a huge fan of the team and was then involved in some advertising campaigns. He was even allowed to announce the draft pick in 2022 (via IGN).
Later, all of DrDisrespect’s advertising partners were asked whether they still wanted to work with him after the details of the Twitch ban became known. The football team said at the time that they were taking the allegations seriously and would not work with DrDisrespect.
But actually, according to DrDisrespect, the collaboration had long since ended at that point:
In the middle of last year, that’s a true story. Do you remember the stream – what kind of Bethesda game was that? Starfield? Do you remember when we created our character? We were presented with the pronoun line. And we didn’t really say much. We just looked at them. […]
So we stopped working with them for the rest of the year. And that’s why it makes sense for them to issue a PR response to the bullsh*t from a few months ago.
But DrDisrespect says: He is still a fan of the team and wishes them only the best.
Pronouns: Politically charged little words
This is what lies behind it: A “pronoun” prompt in video games is actually a small thing that most players overlook – just like the option to set ear shape or eye color. However, pronouns are politically charged when they are specifically asked or specifically stated.
Anyone who lists pronouns in their Twitter bio is signaling that the issue of “transgender” is important to me. The idea is that giving pronouns becomes normalized, even if you aren’t trans yourself.
This means you are clearly on one side of the culture war that is raging in the USA. DrDisrespect then also positioned itself by criticizing these pronouns and thus apparently became an unacceptable advertising partner for the football team.
What an incredibly sensitive topic pronouns can be in the USA when the country is as divided as it has been in recent years, a 17-year-old who just wanted to play Pokémon discovered: 17-year-old flies 4 hours to Pokémon tournament – Will disqualified because he laughs when asked about pronouns