The streamer Guy “DrDisrespect” Beahm streams on YouTube, has 4.6 million subscribers there and regularly reaches hundreds of thousands of viewers with streams, but since June 2024 he has no longer earned any money on the platform by running advertising clips. YouTube de-monetized the streamer over a 7-year-old message on Twitch. Now he asked for mercy.
What is DrDisrespect’s financial status? The streamer DrDisrespect was a top earner on the platform during his time on Twitch. He signed a multi-year, lucrative exclusive deal with Twitch in March 2020 and was doing well financially.
But with the ban from Twitch in the summer of 2020, the streamer’s golden age ended. He continued his streaming successfully on YouTube. But after the ban, YouTube didn’t want to give him an exclusive contract, but only gave him “normal conditions”. As DrDisrespect complained, he only earned about a quarter of what he had made on Twitch on YouTube by the summer of 2020.
Particularly painful: On Twitch, he said, he was on the verge of cashing in big time. Deals with Nike and Oakley were reportedly under discussion, which he lost due to his ban.
But after his latest scandal, YouTube has cut off the last of his money. In the wake of public outrage over inappropriate messages DrDisrespect exchanged with a 17-year-old in 2017, YouTube announced that DrDisrespect’s current channel and all future ones have been de-monetized.
This is a punishment that is rarely handed out, for example against SSSniperwolf.
DrDisrespect was a celebrity on Twitch – his ban is still a big secret today
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Despite 4.5 million subscriptions, no advertising money comes in from YouTube
What does this mean for DrDisrespect? De-monetization means that YouTubers no longer receive money for advertising on their channel.
Although YouTubers could theoretically continue to earn money with YouTube videos, for example through other sources of income, such as the sale of merchandise or sponsorships, they are denied the actual main source of income, the monetization of reach through the display of advertising.
DrDisrespect appeals but fails
That was the new decision: At the end of September, DrDisrespect requested an audit from YouTube so that his channel could be monetized again.
But YouTube waited the full 30 days and told him at the last moment that it had decided against monetizing his channel. DrDisrespect can apply again in 60 days.
DrDisrespect hints at a change to Rumble
How does DrDisrespect react: He seems a bit confused in the stream. He indicated that he wanted to apply again in 60 days. But mumbles in his mighty mustache that perhaps “much, much bigger things are planned” – much bigger opportunities for the two-timer.
Rumble CEO responds to a tweet from DrDisrespect
What kind of things are planned? It is rumored that DrDisrespect could join the more right-wing platform Rumble. The CEO there seems to be flirting with the idea of bringing the streamer onto the platform. We explained more about Rumble on MeinMMO in this article: Will the streaming millionaires soon lose their income? Rumble CEO predicts the end of Twitch